Grant Application Instructions
This grant is intended to support Community-based Orthopaedic clinical research in the State of Iowa.
Funding is available to any practicing Orthopaedic surgeon in Iowa. It is also available to Orthopaedic Residents and Medical Students in Iowa. The Iowa Orthopaedic Research Foundation (IORF) and Iowa Orthopaedic Society (IOS) encourage collaboration between Community Surgeons and Residents or Medical Students. Such collaborations will be looked on favorably in making funding decisions.
Grants will be funded at a maximum of $5000 for a one-year funding cycle. It is anticipated that the IORF will fund one grant per year. Special consideration will be made for a two-year grant for $10,000.
Grant Application
Grant applications should be completed in Microsoft Word with a minimum of size 11 font. The grant narrative will contain the following sections:
A. Introduction/Specific Aims (not to exceed 1 page)
B. Background, Significance, and Relevance to the IOS Membership (not to exceed 2 pages)
C. Previous Related work by the applicant(s) (not to exceed 1 page)
D. Methods (not to exceed 3 pages)
E. References
F. Budget
Review Process
Grants should be submitted electronically to Dr. Matthew Karam at [email protected]. They are due by March 1st . Grants will be reviewed by the IORF Board members. Grant recipients will be notified at the Spring meeting of the IOS. Funds will be made available on June 1st.
Publications that have pertinent relation to funding by the IORF should have appropriate recognition of the IORF in the dedicated Acknowledgement section of the publication. Finally, within one year of the end of the funding cycle, the Investigator(s) must submit a final written report, along with any abstract or manuscript to the IORF.