The Iowa Orthopaedic Society (IOS) is honored to be the recipient of the 2013 AAOS “State Society of the Year” award for their work in establishing the Iowa Orthopaedic Research Foundation.

The Foundation pairs University of Iowa residents with practicing orthopaedic surgeons across the state to engage in community based research projects.

The initial project, undertaken by Dr. Mark Mysnyk and Dr. Tim Vinyard, was a study of total hip replacement in college wrestlers.

Current studies include the following:

  • Reducing blood loss in total knee arthroscopy
  • Modified Norwegian method of Biceps Tenodesis
  • Development and validation of a risk calculator for short term complications after hip fracture surgery

A “lions share” of the credit for the establishment of the Foundation goes to Dr. Todd McKinley, formerly from the University of Iowa.  It was his brain child!